
Friday, April 15, 2011

i swear i have more exciting things to come

i know i haven't been writing much, but i've just been too sad to think about anything except how much i miss the hubs

but my family is back in town and my nephews are coming tomorrow so i'm feeling a lot better

oh! and i got hubby's address today so i can finally send off those letters i've been writing and feel like i'm actually communicating with him, instead of just writing letters that just sit on the table (seriously though, you have no idea how excited i got when the phone ran and i saw it said petty officer st. was like christmas)

oh! and this came out on dvd today so that was uber exciting

...and thank you so much for everyone who left kind words and words of encouragement on this post...they made me feel much better

so anyway i'll have more exciting things to post about soon and i have tons of updates since i didnt blog for like a month

but first can we please take a look at how cute these are:


i mean really? i can't take it

i'm tempted to buy the white one right now


andy & lo said...

i am a sucker for anything nautical!
so cute.

Brooke T said...

oh my gosh!! I NEED THOSE! Too bad my daughter doesn't fit in onesies anymore..maybe for the next baby! ha